Rules for Submitting Fan Fiction/Fan Art.

1. Must be anime related.
2. Please specify a rating.
G - is something that any one can read
PG - A little violence, maybe some language
PG 13 - A little more violence, some worse language, and reference to sexual things.
R - A lot of violence, bad language, nudity, a lot of reference to sex.
Hentai - Sexual acts, bondage, extreme perversion.
3. Please include your e-mail address, name you wish to use (please check to make sure no one else is using it first), the title of your story, and what chapter/part/episode that it is in every e-mail.
4. If you're really nice send it to me in HTML format according to the guide I will put up.
5. I will only accept stories in the following format: Notepad files .txt, Word Documents .doc, and if you absolutely have to copy and paste. But only in extreme emergencies.
6. Pics need to be attached to the e-mail and make sure and include the name you would like to have underneath them.
7. The deadline for all stories and art is 10:00 P.M. every Friday, Central Standard Time. If you story does not get in before then it will be put up with next week's stories.
8. Your story will only stay up as new for one week and then will be moved into categories by there respective author.
9.You are only allowed one revision per chapter.

If you meet all of the requirements and have followed all the rules, send it in!

Moonlit Dreams of Romance is owned and operated by Corie Asbell.
All anime's are copyright there respective owners.