Sailor Moon In Sailor Nega Moon R Episode Twelve- The next day Amy and Lita called a Sailor Scout meeting. "You guys last night, Lita and I found Jessica and she was being attacked by a nega verse monster, she said that monsters had been after her and that the monster said she had to be destroyed because she was going to be Darien's wife in the future" said Amy. Serena stood up. "No way!" "Serena's right, I love Serena" said Darien. "Thats what I said..." said Lita. "She then ran off, Lita thinks she is someone sent by Alla to try and break you guys up so that she can have Darien" said Amy. "I think so too!" said Serena. "Thank you, but Amy doesn't seem to think so" said Lita. "I never said any such thing!" said Amy. Lita sighed. "Well we gotta get ride of this Jessica girl if she is from the Nega Moon" said Serena. "But what if she isn't?" asked Raye. "Well we'll have to find out" said Serena. Serena and Mina went looking around for Jessica. Alla had been watching them. "Those girls are too smart... I guess Jessica will just have to try her best to make them think she isn't from the Nega Moon, and as soon as Jessica works her magic on Darien I will get him" said Alla. She then touched her locket and turned into Jessica. "Serena don't worry, Darien doesn't care for this Jessica person" said Mina. "I don't care" said Serena. Serena then turned a corner and there was Jessica. "You here" said Serena. Jessica walked towards her. "What do you think you are doing?" asked Serena. Jessica looked confused. "Oh you are the girl from yesturday, Serena, right?" asked Jessica. "Oh you know who I am" said Serena. Mina tapped Serena on the shoulder and gave her a look.